Stepping Into Your Brilliance Zone

A good friend of mine David said you are going to do great things one day soon when you find "your zone". He said this to me when I was in the middle of my camping journey. We were having a cup of coffee at McDonalds (my living room at the time). I called it that cuz I was always there on the computer or having a  chocolate dipped cone (sounds good right about now actually)... ;) 

I feel like those great things are starting to happen and I am getting closer to that "zone" or my own bliss and purpose. This California Homeless Resources website and giving back has really added that missing link to my life. I am back into society and am getting in the zone this time like I have never had it. I feel like it says below in this article a kind of force that is working WITH ME this time and one that if I serve it properly will take me to some limits that will truly baffle my mind. I am already getting what I like to call "God Shots" by doing this work. I always read in my business books throughout the years that you have to incorporate giving into your business model and this is why. You are able to draw on this force or forces that are not available to those that just have a self-serving purpose only. I am calling on these forces and they are starting to make some very cool things happen. Anyway, I thought you guys would like this article and if you have some personal experiences with finding your bliss and passion for life please share... :)

What is your “brilliance zone”? 

The best way to answer this question is to list some of the aspects that exist when you are in your brilliance zone. 

My hope is that as you read these aspects, you’ll get their meaning on a deep level—one that will help you live in your brilliance zone more and more! 


The first way of knowing you’re in your brilliance zone is that you feel deeply connected to the service you provide for others. While it may appear to be “business as usual” – you know, in the core of your being, the power of the work you do. And, you do it with gratitude for the opportunity to serve, while also experiencing tremendous JOY as you do so? 


The next way to know you’re in your brilliance zone is by feeling the light inside of you burning brightly. You have an awareness of the spark that resides inside of your own heart, and you feel it lighting you up from the inside out. You may find yourself so “on fire” that you giggle with glee when you feel the magnitude of the energy that’s alive inside of you. 


The third way to know you’re in your brilliance zone is when you fully experience the gift of bearing witness to the growth and transformation happening for those you serve (your customers and clients). You have an awareness of what is happening for them and you open yourself to hold the space for your customer/client to shine their light and to see the truth of who they are. 

This experience brings me to tears over and over again—when I get to bear witness to a client’s transformation. When you’re in your brilliance zone, you are fully present to the blessing of witnessing another’s transformation. 


When you’re in your brilliance zone, you feel deeply connected to your higher purpose. You have a sense that your contribution is not from your own doing, rather you understand that you are one piece of a ‘Divine puzzle’, and you are committed to contributing YOUR unique piece… no matter what! 


When you are in your brilliance zone, your work doesn’t feel like work. And, it doesn’t feel like “work” because it’s not all being done by the individual known as you. 

Stepping into your brilliance zone involves accepting that everything you do springs forth out of a co-creative process with ‘the Source’ that sustains all things (whether you are consciously aware of this, or not). 

So, you know you’re in our brilliance zone when you share the “credit” for your success with the Source that fuels you. You are deeply grateful, and fully present to the joyous gift that’s been given to you. And, you give credit where credit is due… to you AND your co-creative source! 

Now that you’re more familiar with what I’m talking about when I refer to your “brilliance zone”… I encourage you to reflect on if/where/how you are living in that zone. 

And, if you’re not in it as often as you’d like, then consider making some shifts so that you are! 
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